And as I had to do before in previous assignments(which worked just fine), I needed to debug this one too, however, I ran into this message on my debug console when I tried to debug: The program 'd:\codes\Visual Studio pseudocodes\CS50 VSCODE\CS50\week4\psets\recover\recover.exe' has exited with code 1 (0x00000001) NOTE: Use logLevel in your /.vscode/launch.json to 3 or more to show more debug adapter output.I am new to the programming world this being my first course actually, and I am currently working on the 4th week assignment "recover".
NOTE: Use idf.openOcdDebugLevel configuration setting to 3 or more to show debug logging in OpenOCD server output. If something is not working please check for any error on one of these: Note that for OpenOCD tasks you need to define OPENOCD_SCRIPTS in your system environment variables with openocd scripts folder path.
BuildFlash - Execute a build followed by a flash command. These tasks can be executed by running F1, writing Tasks: Run task and selecting one of the following: Available Tasks in tasks.jsonĪ template Tasks.json is included when creating a project using ESP-IDF: Create project from extension template. See an example in the debugging documentation. espIdf.getXtensaGdb: Return the absolute path of the xtensa toolchain gdb for the ESP-IDF target given by idf.adapterTargetName configuration setting and idf.customExtraPaths. espIdf.getXtensaGcc: Return the absolute path of the xtensa toolchain gcc for the ESP-IDF target given by idf.adapterTargetName configuration setting and idf.customExtraPaths. espIdf.getProjectName: Return the project name from current workspace folder build/project_description.json. Example -f interface/ftdi/esp32_devkitj_v1.cfg -f board/esp32-wrover.cfg. espIdf.getOpenOcdConfig: Return the openOCD configuration files as string. espIdf.getOpenOcdScriptValue: Return the value of OPENOCD_SCRIPTS from idf.customExtraVars or from system OPENOCD_SCRIPTS environment variable. espIdf.getExtensionPath: Get the installed location absolute path.
Either open Visual Studio Code and create a workspace folder. Download and install Visual Studio Code. Commands for tasks.json and launch.json. Debugging with steps to configure OpenOCD and debug adapter.Ĭheck all the tutorials here. Create a project from example, Build, flash and monitor. Make sure to review our documentation first to properly use the extension. Develop, build, flash, monitor, debug and more with Espressif chips using Espressif IoT Development Framework (ESP-IDF)